
Has Your Boss Become ‘Toxic?’

In a tough economy, managers and executives may become “toxic bosses” due to inadequate management skills and their negative reactions to cutbacks in staff, salaries, raises, benefits, bonuses, budgets, and promotions. 

Layoffs and staff reductions may cause managers and executives to do more work with fewer employees and to work longer hours, prompting more bosses to become toxic. 

While the average boss may occasionally be abrasive, too critical, unpredictable, or demonstrate other difficult conduct, toxic bosses display several negative behaviors to an extreme degree. The Warning Signs of a Toxic Boss include: 

  • Abrasiveness
  • Arrogance
  • Demeaning attitude
  • Being too critical
  • Unpredictability
  • Volatility
  • Self-centered
  • Close-minded
  • Untruthful
  • Untrustworthy
  • Sexist
  • Rigid & inflexible behavior

 Sometimes managers and executives become toxic due to actual or perceived adverse developments. Among the reasons managers and executives can turn toxic are: 

  • Salary and benefit cutbacks
  • Staff and budget cutbacks
  • Working longer hours and doing more work
  • Not receiving an anticipated or promised raise or bonus
  • Not getting an anticipated or promised promotion
  • Receiving a poor performance evaluation
  • Feeling stuck in their jobs and careers

Many managers and executives never received the necessary management development to go along with their increased responsibilities, and they never learned how to properly manage employees. Toxic bosses seldom admit that they are in over their heads and need help. Companies need to systematically provide the required developmental tools such as coaching, mentoring, and training to managers and executives. 

Companies also need to sort through their toxic bosses, help those they feel can be turned around – and immediately release the employment of those whose careers are deemed irreparable. Difficult bosses should especially be considered downsizing targets when companies need to cut staff.
