
Tips for Building Resilience in Challenging Times

by Susan Peppercorn, Executive Career Consultant

During this unprecedented time of the coronavirus pandemic, stress and anxiety are constant companions. Whether our thoughts are occupied with the health of loved ones or the challenges of homeschooling children while working, or yet, facing unemployment for an undetermined period, life has changed. Now, more than ever, we need tools to call on to build our resilience. Below are some practical strategies to try right now.


  • Give yourself permission to be human — Acknowledge your emotions, both positive and negative.
  • Name it to tame it — “Name it to tame it” is a phrase coined by author and psychiatrist  Daniel Siegel.  Once you notice you are having a strong emotional reaction, describe, or name what you feel – whether to yourself or out loud. For example, saying mentally “I am feeling angry” or “I have a tight ball of nerves in my gut.” Choosing words to describe emotions jump-starts your executive brain and calms down your emotional limbic brain.
  • Self-Compassion Break — Developed by Kristin Neff, here are the 3 steps in the Self-Compassion Break: Say to yourself:
    1. “I feel…
    2. “Everyone feels this way at times”
    3. “May I accept myself as I am”


  • Reframe Negative Thinking — When you find yourself catastrophizing, ask yourself the following questions:
    • Is there another way to look at the situation?
    • What advice would I give my best friend?
    • What is working?
    • What can I learn from this?
    • What are the unexpected benefits?


  • Express Gratitude — Keep a gratitude journal or write a letter of gratitude 1x per week to someone you appreciate.
  • Be Mindful — Incorporate a mindfulness practice into your schedule such as meditation, gardening, walking in your daily routine.
  • Breathe for Relaxation — Try this 3-part breathing exercise to relax:
    • Inhale through nose counting to 4
    • Hold your breath counting to 7
    • Release breath slowly through mouth counting to 8
    • Repeat 3-7 times