
You’re Not Alone – 3 Tips from Those Who Have Been There

by Carolyn Raitt

When someone loses their job, they often feel overwhelmed navigating the career transition process, which may introduce doubt, fear and uncertainty of what lies ahead. ClearRock supports individuals who have experienced a job loss and we recognize the importance of connecting people with others that are or have been through the same experience so they do not feel alone through this journey. Here are some tips from our candidates’ perspective regarding what is most important to focus on during this period of transition.


  1. Make time for self-care

In times of stress, it is important to make self-care a priority. This may include re-energizing an exercise routine like running or going to the gym, meditating, walking, or simply scheduling fun into your day. Looking for employment should not consume the full day. Ensure you make time to reward yourself for meeting your goals and objectives, which also allows you to recharge your batteries for the long run. Several of our candidates have shared with us that they did not value making time for themselves initially; however, they eventually recognized that, in order to be their best selves in front of prospective employers, they needed to make self-care a priority.

  1. Flex your networking muscle

This term can generate anxiety in even the most extraverted individuals. Networking doesn’t have to be a huge task or hurdle to overcome. Simply refining your story about why you are no longer working, and most importantly, articulating what it is you would like to be doing, allows you to feel confident when interacting with others. Networking occurs all around us, not just at an event or meeting. Talk with your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, volunteer assignments – all of which represent groups of individuals in your networking circle.  Additionally, spending time reviewing connections through social media, like LinkedIn, is a valuable and necessary component of an effective job search. Candidates tell us that they benefit from being more intentional about asking for recommendations and interacting with first and second tier contacts as part of their networking strategy.

  1. Prioritize calendar management

Individuals who experience career transition often have challenges managing their time effectively, given that they have more free time. Motivating yourself during this period can be difficult. It’s important to set goals, stay accountable, and reward yourself when you have met those personal milestones. Limiting distractions and scheduling time for the job search is key – carving out time for reviewing opportunities online, meeting in person, and for the all-important self-care will help you build a consistent routine. Many of our candidates keep online journals or spreadsheets to track their progress and liken this activity to managing a project that truly has a beginning and an end.

The job search process is often a marathon and not a sprint. Connecting with others, taking care of yourself, and staying organized are all components of an effective campaign and will help you not feel alone through this journey.


Let ClearRock help you or your organization with any Outplacement or Career Transition needs. Contact us here.
