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Knowledge Base \\ The Importance of Mentoring
By Ellie Eckhoff | Vice President    Part of my role at ClearRock is strategic business development. Over the years I have had mentors that have helped me develop the skills to do my job effectively. As the Mentoring Marketing Chair for The Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA), I have been able to pay it forward…


Knowledge Base \\ Career Transition Seminars - 2017 Schedule
Schedule of ClearRock's 2017 Two-Day Career Transition Seminars


Knowledge Base \\ 5 Ways Managers Can Reduce Holiday Stress In The Workplace
The holidays are supposed to be a time to celebrate with friends and family, but they can also coincide with demanding year-end reporting, performance reviews, and deadlines.  Add in trying to find the right gift for the office swap, the perfect outfit for the company holiday party, and making sure you get your online orders…


Knowledge Base \\ HR Forum Onboarding Tools
Appointment Charter Stakeholder Analysis  Leadership Assimilation Template      


Knowledge Base \\ Is Your Mindset Stalling Your Career?
By: Susan Peppercorn   Senior Consultant, ClearRock / Career Coach /  Resume and LinkedIn Consultant /  Career Blogger for the Huffington Post Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it (and sometimes do it even better) with training. – Carol Dweck “I’m just not good at…


Knowledge Base \\ Key Strategies For Retaining Newly Hired Professionals
With the unemployment rate at 4.2% in Massachusetts (April, 2016) and fewer professionals available for hire, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to retain employees and insure the success of their newly hired employees.Studies have shown that companies lose an average of 25% of all new hires within their first year. This turnover can…


Knowledge Base \\ How HR Can Help Employees Flourish In Their Jobs
A major reason that employees may be feeling overwhelmed or disconnected at work is that they are not in roles where they can best flourish. One of the most important functions of human resources professionals is helping their organizations to ensure they have the right talent in the right place and at the right time. People who…


Knowledge Base \\ How to Manage Workplace Anxiety
In order to keep morale and productivity up and retain talent, executives and managers need to be sure that employees have the latest information about what's happening, communicate it frequently, discover what the workforce is thinking, and invite input and feedback. ClearRock offers the following advice to managers on how to lower workplace anxiety in…


Knowledge Base \\ Management Walking Around More to Maintain Morale
More executives, managers and supervisors are getting out of their offices and out from behind emails and are interacting with employees where the work is being performed.They are utilizing Management By Walking Around (MBWA) as a way to be more visible, connect with employees, invite suggestions, improve morale, productivity, and employee engagement.It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain…


Knowledge Base \\ Smallest Parts of a Job Search Often Produce the Biggest Results
Most of your helpful job search leads (80% or more) will come from just a few (20% or less) of your contacts, so expanding your base of contacts as much as possible - and then identifying those critical people - should be top job-hunting priorities.  The 80-20 rule, known in economics as the Pareto Principle…


Knowledge Base \\ Social Media Profile Becoming as Important as Your Resume
Your online social media profile may be as important as your resume if you are looking for a new job or to change careers.  Employers are more frequently using social media networks to find candidates for employment, rather than going through resumes or searching job websites.  People who have neglected to create and update a…


Knowledge Base \\ Raise or no Raise? Tips for Employees & Employers
While annual performance reviews remain the main method for delivering raises, companies are increasingly adopting proactive performance systems. In these systems, employees develop goals and timelines against which they will be evaluated, and their managers meet with them more often than once a year.  Annual performance reviews are not as effective as delivering ongoing feedback,…


Knowledge Base \\ Summertime Social Media Job-Search Strategy
About half of all job-seekers will either slack off or put their searches on hold during the summer. However, people who continue to be active can have an edge over others, and those who adapt social media to a summertime job search will have an even greater advantage.  Now that job creation seems to be…


Knowledge Base \\ Guidelines for Giving Feedback
An effective way to get as much productivity as possible from employees is to provide timely, helpful feedback. However, giving feedback is one of the most poorly executed management duties.  Most managers have never received any training in giving feedback and are especially reluctant to deliver negative feedback. But, many workers would like their managers…


Knowledge Base \\ The 7 New Ways to Mentor
 Short-term. Multiple. Reverse. Two-Way. Informal. Virtual. Companywide.  Mentoring has been revitalized and now comes in seven different forms to serve various purposes.  Following are the seven ways mentoring is being used today:  Short-term: Mentoring relationships can be very short-term - an hour or a day - or last weeks or months, depending on how long…

